
Our team has been working on a user-friendly website that showcases and promotes the Ajara region.



  • Goga Shonia 👴🐌
  • Ioane Lomidze 🚬🐱
  • Tamar Avaliani ✨💅
  • Mariam Nikoleishvili 🗣️💪
  • Jaba Sheklashvili 🦱👨‍🍳
  • Elene Chekurishvili 😒🍦
  • Diana Zolotukhina 🥤🎧
  • Giorgi Paichadze ✝️🧢
  • Ani Loladze☕🐸🌶️

Written by

  • Elene Chekurishvili 😒🍦

Published on

  • 20/6/2023

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Graphic Design


UX/UI Design


Web Development

1. Introduction

Visit Batumi, the official tourism website for the Ajara region, recently underwent a significant redesign. The primary aim was to enhance the user experience by creating a more engaging and informative platform. This case study explores the key aspects of the redesign process, including the website's goals, design elements, and unique features.

2. Goals and Objectives

The redesign of the Visit Batumi website was driven by several core objectives:

Enhance User Experience: Improving navigability and accessibility to make information easily available.

Boost Tourism: Attracting more visitors by showcasing the region's attractions.

Strengthen Brand Awareness: Creating a distinctive online presence.

Increase User Engagement: Encouraging visitors to explore and interact with the website.

Foster Community Growth: Building a digital platform that supports local businesses and cultural events.


3. Design and Style

The new design integrates the Visit Batumi brand's visual identity, characterized by vibrant gradients and a specific color palette. Key design elements include:

Color Scheme: The website utilizes a carefully chosen palette of six accent colors that correspond with the brand's identity. These colors are used in various website elements like buttons, headers, and text fields.

Typography: FiraGO font collection was selected for its compatibility across languages, ensuring readability and aesthetic appeal.

Seasonal Navigation: An interactive header features customized icons for each season, altering the website's content and visuals accordingly.

Functional Features

Multifunctional Navigation: The website boasts a user-friendly navigation system with a dropdown menu for essential places and activities in Ajara.

Search and Filter Section: This feature on the landing page acts as a bridge between the homepage and the catalog, providing up-to-date information about the region.

Plan Your Visit Page: Offers comprehensive travel-related information, catering to both first-time visitors and locals.

Explore Page: Features custom-made illustrations for each municipality in Ajara, enhancing the visual exploration of the region.

Things to Do Page: An extensive library of articles focused on nature, culture, wine, and gastronomy in Ajara.



The redesigned Visit Batumi website is a testament to thoughtful UX/UI design, effectively combining aesthetic elements with functional features. By focusing on user experience and brand identity, the website serves as a comprehensive, engaging, and user-friendly platform that showcases the richness and beauty of the Ajara region throughout all four seasons.